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Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days

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Lord, who throughout these forty days,

For us did fast and pray,

Teach us with you to mourn our sins,

And close by you to stay.


As you with Satan did contend,

And did the vict’ry win,

O give us strength in you to fight,

In you to conquer sin.


As you did hunger bear and thirst,

So teach us, gracious Lord,

To die to self, and always live

By your most holy word.


And through these days of penitence,

And through your Passiontide,

Forevermore, in life and death,

O Lord, with us abide.


Abide with us that when this life

Of suffering is past,

An Easter of unending joy

We may attain at last!

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Day: Tiempo de Cuaresma Miércoles de Ceniza
Tiempo de Cuaresma Cuaresma (Domingos y Ferias)
Scripture: Mateo 4
Lucas 4
Marcos 1