Edward Foley, OFM Capuchin, is professor of liturgy and music at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, Illinois. His interests include practical theology, the interplay of worship and the arts (especially music), ritual performance, and medieval Christianity.
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Edward Foley, OFM Capuchin, is professor of liturgy and music at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, Illinois. He holds a Masters of Divinity from St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee Wisconsin; a master in music from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee; a master of arts in liturgical research and a doctorate in theology from the University of Notre Dame.A member of the faculty at CTU since 1985, Edward Foley’s interests include practical theology, the interplay of worship and the arts (especially music), ritual performance, and medieval Christianity. He studies the history of worship especially from the viewpoint of the action of the assembly. He is co-author, with Rev. Herbert Anderson of Mighty Stories, Dangerous Rituals (The Intersection of Worship and Pastoral Care (Josey-Bass) editor of Worship Music: A Concise Dictionary (Liturgical Press) author of From Age to Age: How Christians Celebrated the Eucharist (Liturgy Training Publication of Chicago) and Ritual Music: Studies in Liturgical Musicology (Pastoral Press).
Father Foley is the Editor of Preach: Enlivening the Pastoral Art magazine and has recorded “The Eucharist as Mystagogy,” a collection of five CDs of reflections centered on the Sunday Eucharist and integrated with familiar music, all of which are available from World Library Publications.
Father Foley is past president of the North American Academy of Liturgy. A well-known speaker and teacher, he has lectured throughout the United States, in Canada, Ireland, India and Europe. He resides in Chicago and regularly presides and preaches at Ascension Parish in Oak Park, IL.