Genevieve Glen, OSB

Genevieve Glen, OSB

Genevieve Glen, OSB, is one of the great hymn writers of our day. A Benedictine nun at the Abbey of St. Walburga, she creates hope-filled hymns and mystical poetry that reflect a deep intimacy with God and Scripture.


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A contemplative nun of the Abbey of St. Walburga in northern Colorado, Sister Genevieve is a highly regarded retreat leader, author, poet and composer of hymn texts. At St. Walburga, she serves as Director of Oblates, offering guidance to Lay Christians who are affiliated with the monastery for the purpose of living out Gospel values according to the ancient Rule of St. Benedict.

Sister Genevieve is the author of three collections of original hymn texts, Take with You Words, The Listening Heart and Voices from the Valley, which can serve a variety of liturgical and non-liturgical celebrations. Her collection of mystical poetry, On Threads of Hope, offers an impressive resource for personal prayer, meditation and devotional reading.

She writes from the Virginia Dale, Colorado, which sits in a valley where the high plains meet the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.
