Breaking Bread 2023
Breaking Bread combines the best elements of a hymnal and a missal, featuring more than 850 hymn, song and service music titles. This beloved resource includes Lectionary readings for Sunday and holy days, daily Mass propers, and more!
- Published 1 time a year
- A diverse repertoire of more than 850 songs
- Full Lectionary readings for every Sunday of the year
- Daily Mass propers
- Responsorial psalms and Gospel Acclamations
- More than 10 Mass settings in a variety of styles
32 books per case
Case price $183.04 ($5.72/book); Case price w/shipping $216.00*
*If order is placed or changed after 7/31/22 shipping costs may change
Recurring subscriptions of two or more cases will also receive FREE worship support materials
To learn more, contact a parish services associate.