Chants of the Misal Romano
Chants of the Misal Romano

Called for and approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Misal Romano is the first Spanish Missal approved specifically for use in the United States.
Its mandatory use date is the first Sunday of Advent (December 2, 2018).
The recordings of the liturgical texts in Misal Romano were prepared by OCP and are offered to help priests, deacons, music ministers, and others these chants.
Recordings for the Chants of Misal Romano
This collection of chants is organized according to the outline of Misal Romano. Click on each section to the right to find the music and recordings.
Find/Browse Chants
- The Proper of Time/
Propio del Tiempo Coming Soon! - The Order of Mass/Ordinario de la Misa
- Prefaces of the Eucharistic Prayer/ Prefacios de la Liturgia Eucarística
- Chants for the Eucharistic Prayer/ Cantos de la Liturgia Eucarística Coming Soon!
- Appendix to the Order of Mass/Apéndice al Ordinario de la Misa Coming Soon!
- Proper of Saints/ Propio de los Santos
- Commons/Misas Comunes Coming Soon!
- Ritual Masses/Misas Rituales Coming Soon!
- Various Needs & Occasions/Misas y oraciones por varias necesidades y para diversas circunstancias Coming Soon!
- Votive Masses/Misas Votivas Coming Soon!
- Appendix I: Other Chants/
Apéndice: Otros Cantos Coming Soon!