We Your Children

OCP is proud to introduce Stephen Fischbacher to American Catholics! Renowned in the United Kingdom as a prolific composer of uplifting music for young people, Stephen’s songs celebrate God and Church and address such themes as emotions, self-esteem and friendship in a fun way that appeals to children, parents and teachers.
Distinctive and earthy, We Your Children offers 11 songs with styles that range from rock and pop to folk and more reflective pieces. Children are the target audience, but all of the songs are highly accessible to all age groups. The collection also includes instrumental versions of each of the songs that can be used as background music for special performances at school or church.
“Holding on to the Rock” is a fun, bluesy song that talks about putting our faith in God, the rock we can hold on to in any storm. A Scottish/Ceilidh jig-style song, “Come, Christians” features an energetic call-and-response and would serve well as a lively gathering or processional song. The flowing ballad “Bring It All to Me” is a gentle reminder for all of us that we can bring anything to God—the good, the bad, the exciting, the messy.
Going beyond the comfortable and enjoyable aspects of life, Stephen’s music allows its listeners to express deep, and important, emotions—to God, others and themselves. Incorporate some of this inspiring and enjoyable music into your liturgies and celebrations with the keyboard and guitar accompaniment parts in the associated songbook. The children in your community—and the adults, for that matter—will thank you.