"And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us..." –John 1:14
Originally conceived by Edward White Benson in 1880 for the Christmas Eve service, the future Archbishop of Canterbury created what has become one of the most widely recognized Christmas musical traditions.
A mixture of well-known hymns and stunning choral reflections on the Advent mysteries, this collection is a gift to all who love choral music. Useful as a listening resource for the person in the pew, Verbum Caro also gives choir directors an opportunity to enhance their repertoires for this holy season.
Each of the 23 pieces wonderfully illuminates the Scriptures. Performed in the high-choral English tradition, Verbum Caro features some of today's most renowned choral composers, including Derek Healey, Richard Hillert, Michael Joncas, Colin Mawby, Bonnie Miksch, Richard Proulx, Andrew Wright and many others! Enjoy arrangements for treble voices and mixed choir.
Choral directors and music ministers, do you want to bring this wonderful collection to life in your community? Stay organized and save money with the Verbum Caro octavo packet.