Misal del Día 2023 and Today’s Missal 2023
Providing separate missals for your parish’s English- and Spanish-speaking communities ensures that all members of your community have what they need to fully and actively participate in the liturgy. Misal del Día is a Spanish-language, annual missal offering full Lectionary readings for Sundays and holy days, songs, seasonal reflections, and an expanded section of beloved prayers and devotions including national feasts. Published three times a year, Today’s Missal is a seasonal English-language missal that offers full readings for Sundays and holy days, daily Mass propers and seasonal music.
- Published 1 time a year
- Readings for Sundays and holy days
- Responsorial psalms and Gospel Acclamations
- NEW! Expanded section of prayers and national feasts
- Seasonal reflections to enrich Sundays and holy days
- A diverse repertoire of Spanish and bilingual hymns and songs
Misal del Día, 36 books per case
Case price: $124.20 ($3.45/book); Case price w/shipping: $142.56*
Today's Missal, 32 books per case
Case price: $167.04 ($5.22/book); Case price w/shipping: $203.52*
*If order is placed or changed after 7/31/22 shipping costs may change
Recurring subscriptions of two or more cases will also receive FREE worship support materials.
To learn more, contact a parish services associate.