Mary, Queen of Peace, Catholic Church
Mary, Queen of Peace, Catholic Church — A traditional church welcoming new neighbors

Meet Lindsey.
Lindsey is the music director at Mary, Queen of Peace, Catholic Church, a suburban parish on the north side of Lake Pontchartrain. Faithful here have always shared their gifts generously, and when Hurricane Katrina devastated areas of Louisiana, they opened their doors and hearts to those displaced by the disaster. Practically overnight, the community doubled in size and continues to grow.
After a memorial donation facilitated the purchase of new music resources, Lindsey assembled a committee to find the perfect hymnal. In the end, Journeysongs, Third Edition — with its well-known songs and Mass settings and Lectionary readings — was the ideal choice for their growing traditional community.
Learn how Mary, Queen of Peace served their traditional assembly with Journeysongs.
St. Leo the Great — A ‘beacon of light’ to an urban, diverse neighborhood
Meet Lindsey.
Lindsey is the music director at Mary, Queen of Peace, Catholic Church, a suburban parish on the north side of Lake Pontchartrain. Faithful here have always shared their gifts generously, and when Hurricane Katrina devastated areas of Louisiana, they opened their doors and hearts to those displaced by the disaster. Practically overnight, the community doubled in size and continues to grow.
After a memorial donation facilitated the purchase of new music resources, Lindsey assembled a committee to find the perfect hymnal. In the end, Journeysongs, Third Edition — with its well-known songs and Mass settings and Lectionary readings — was the ideal choice for their growing traditional community.
Learn how Mary, Queen of Peace served their traditional assembly with Journeysongs.